Description:The story of Bruno Sulak, a notorious real-life French criminal known for his non-violent heists on multiple jewelry stores in the 1980s. Sulak managed to escape from prison several times in order to reunite with his lover and accomplice, becoming public enemy number one in the process.
Description:Inspired by the true events of one of France's most notorious non-violent robbers, Bruno Sulak, in the 1980s. He led multiple heists, then captured public attention for his many daring escapes from police custody...always to reunite with his beloved lover and accomplice Annie, becoming both France's Public Enemy #1 and an icon of Freedom.
Description:8-year-old Elli and her mother, Marlène, live in a small town by the French Riviera where they act out to relieve boredom and hide from social services. When Marlène caves in to yet another night of excess, she chooses to leave Elli behind for a man she just met. The young child must confront her mother's demons in order to get her back.