Description:Adapted from the video game series of the same name, NiNoKuni follows high school peers Yuu and Haru who must travel between two separate yet parallel worlds to help save their childhood friend, Kotona, whose life is in danger. In this magical quest complicated by love, the three teens will be tasked with making the ultimate choice.
Description:Hochang accidentally sees missionaries and Jeongrim play baseball at the YMCA hall. He falls in love with Jeongrim, and takes interest in baseball. As a result, he gathers people to form the first YMCA baseball team of Joseon.
Description:Yoji Minamimaru, known as Nanmaru, is a university student with a supernatural ability to create small holes in anything. One day, Yoji finds out that the professor of folklore studies has gone missing. Together with his classmates, he decides to search for the professor.