Description:In Shin-Yokohama, humans engage in a long, drawn out battle against vampires. Amongst them, the last "true vampire" stands...
Will he be a bringer of peace, or destruction?
Description:Tatsuya Iguchi was a juvenile delinquent in Tokyo and a leader a motorcycle gang. After he was released from juvenile detention, he begins to live a new life and doesn't go back to his hometown. Instead, he begins to live with his aunt in Nishi-Chiba and work at a barbecue beef restaurant. If Tatsuya gets involved in any more fights, he will be kicked out. On the first day of his release, he gets into a fight with Kaname Abe, who is second-in-command of motorcycle gang Kirihito. The motorcycle gang Kirihito is led by Atsushi Tanzawa. Tatsuya won the fight against Kaname, but they agree to keep it a secret because Tatsuya doesn't want to go back to juvenile detention and Kanamedoesn't want to people to know he got beaten. A friendship soon ensues between the two. Tatsuya also meets Chihiro Minagawa, whose brother was the leader of motorcycle gang Kirihito, but he died in a fight with another motorcycle gang. Chihiro currently works at a bowling alley. She doesn't hesitate to speak bluntly with Kirihito's leader Atsushi to stop its battles with other motorcycle gangs.
Description:A dramatic tale of golf and humans, set on the beautiful Tokara Islands. Igarashi has thrown away his past and fled society, relocating to Hinoshima Island. Here, on "Japan's last hidden paradise," he meets Tonbo, the island’s only middle schooler. To his surprise, this girl harbors an extraordinary talent for golf!? This encounter marks the beginning of a significant change in their destinies.
Description:Shin Dong-youp and Sung Si-kyung boldly explore the sex cultures of the Netherlands and Germany, mixing hands-on experiences with revealing interviews.