Description:As usual, this comedy featuring Dono, Kasino and Indro is more driven by a series of comedic skits than a unified storyline. This story, built around the three comedians, also features two beautiful young women, Linda (Sally Marcelina) and Christin (Nurul Arifin), who have been talked into moving from their dormitory to stay with the trio at their house. Linda is Kasino’s girlfriend, while Christin is dating Indro. Initially this comedy depicts the three friends appearing on a television program. Then the producer, who promises them more screen time, talks them into judging a beach beauty contest, so the film setting jumps to the beach. While there, the potential beauty queens attempt to seduce the three men. Linda and Christin, who are very angry at this, plan revenge against the three friends. The film then moves to an island where a film shoot is going on.
Description:Detective Kasino and two of his men, Dono and Indro (played by the Warkop Trio), fail to retrieve a jewel. But the owner, a Japanese man, does not care about it. They are given another task to protect Michiko, who is threatened with kidnap by criminals. In fact, the owner of the jewel wants to trick the insurance company. Michiko asks Dono, who protects her to run away with the jewel he is asked to keep.
Description:Not unlike the other Warung Kopi (Warkop) comedies featuring (Dono, Kasino and Indro), this film is also made up of a series of comedic skits featuring plenty of pretty faces and beautiful bodies. In this film, initially the Warkop trio are training to become security guards, whose commandant turns out to be a patient from a mental hospital. Then, they masquerade as women in order to get jobs at a company that is only hiring women. All of their career attempts end humorously.