Description:The films spans two decades as the story unfolds in a series of flashbacks that begin when Qiyue and Ansheng were just thirteen. The two became inseparable until they met a boy who ended up tearing their lives apart.
Description:A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations.
Description:In a crowded city like Hong Kong, former lovers often cross each other's path. One night, a former couple reunites for one night as they talk about their past, their present, and the possibility of a future. Elsewhere in the city, a laundry shop girl has a crush on a customer, carrying on her days fantasizing about adventures with an inanimate version of him. Meanwhile, Po runs into a childhood friend and reminisces about the days of him as a teenager and his own infatuation with his best friend's mother. Back in the present, Po is contacted by a stranger with a secret about two people they know very well…