Description:Hanagaki Takemichi lives an unsatisfying life right up until his death. Waking up 12 years in the past, he reckons with the eventual fate of his friends and tries to prevent an unfortunate future.
Description:Saybil can't remember his life before he joined the magic academy. He has the lowest grades, because his amnesia leaves him unmotivated. One day, the school headmaster, Albus, orders him to participate in a dangerous special training. "I want you to spread the use of magic in an area where they hold witch hunts." This story is a spin-off of 'Grimoire of Zero.'
Description:Anne Halford is on her way to fulfill her dream of becoming a confectionary artisan, a Silver Sugar Master—however, the road to her destination is filled with a world of danger. To protect herself, she reluctantly buys Challe, a fairy forced into a life of servitude, but she seeks friendship more than a lackey. Torn between his freedom and her needs, she must confront what the sweet life is worth.